In Leicester City the Quality Inclusion Team works with settings and schools to ensure that children and young people can fully access school life utilising assistive technology (AT) where needed.

A referral to assess a child or young person’s non sensory needs in a school or setting can be made by the school or relevant health care professional by completing the AT referral form and returning it to

This form is for non sensory assistive technology only and therefore does not cover technology for vision support or hearing impairment.

For a child or young person's to qualify for an assessment, there must be a proposal for equipment/software which does not fall under Best Endeavours and Reasonable Adjustments Best Endeavours and Reasonable Adjustments (BERA) Framework.  Equipment that falls under BERA, such as laptops and iPads, must be purchased by the school.

If a child or young person qualifies for an assessment and the proposed equipment/software is approved, the school will be advised to invoice the finance team with the costs. 

For further information please contact