Forms of identity are required at different points in time and are an important part of planning for your future.

Many of the options and opportunities you may wish to explore will require some form of identification.  These provide evidence of who you are, when you were born and where you live.

These can include a passport, birth certificate, driver’s licence, National Insurance Number and national health number.
You may already have some forms of identification. It is important to find out what other documents you may need to get and when these might be needed. Such as for benefits, employment, education, training, accommodation and travel. If you were born abroad, it is important that you have the correct documentation to ensure you have the right to remain in the UK.

How does it work?

The people supporting you can help you find out what identification you may need in the future. Also, where their application forms can be located. Parents and carers or those who currently work with you can help you fill in the forms. You can work towards doing this independently using a range of tools. Such as tools that allow forms to be completed by voice control or by pre- populating an original secure format.

Who is involved?

Your school, your transition social worker if you have one or Connexions support worker will all be able to provide current templates of the different forms you may encounter.

The role of parents and carers

It is vital that parents and carers are aware of what forms might be required at each stage as you progress and develop. Be aware of how each option may impact on entitlements and benefits. Also, how the process of completing forms is made accessible.

Parents and carers could also be vital in promoting independence by utilising online applications and programmes or IT adaptations and support.