An education, health and care plan (EHCP) must be reviewed every year for the length of the plan. From Year 9 (age 13 or 14 years) the annual review of your plan must include a focus on preparing you for adulthood.

This includes consideration of future employment, good health, independent living and participation in society as you move into adult life. These reviews are sometimes called transition reviews.

How does it work?

The school, college or setting will gather and circulate information about your progress and, with at least two weeks’ notice, invite the relevant people to the review. Within four weeks of the meeting, Leicester City Council will decide whether to maintain, amend or stop the plan.

The review of the EHC plan uses a person-centred approach which places you and your family at the centre of the review meeting.  From Year 9, this should include speaking to you and your family about your future aspirations. This can include your post-16 education and training, where you would like to live and what skills you need to develop to meet these aspirations.

Who is involved?

The school, college or setting will organise and invite the following people to the review:

  • you
  • your parents/carers
  • relevant school/setting staff
  • other involved education, health and care professionals such as social workers, speech and language therapists, specialist teachers
  • SENDIASS officer (where involved or where you have requested their support)

We may ask some additional people who support with the preparation for adulthood to attend the review.

The role of parents and carers

Parents can support you by:

  • attending EHCP annual meetings
  • preparing you for the EHCP meetings and thinking about your aims for the future
  • contributing to identifying education, health and care needs and future planning

Once you turn 16, you have greater rights with regards to the content of your EHC plan provided you have capacity.  For more information on capacity, please see Mental Capacity Act.