The parent of a child or young person with either a physical or learning disability or a mental disorder can request a carer’s assessment. When you turn 18, the carer has a right to have a carer’s assessment if they appear to need support.

The carer’s assessment is separate from the needs or transition assessment that you might have, but they can ask to have it at the same time. Even if you are not eligible for support from adult social care, your carer can still have a carer’s assessment. This is because the carer’s assessment is about the carer and not the cared for person. If there are other children or young people in your home that help to look after you, they can request a young carer’s assessment.

Who is a carer?

A carer is a person who looks after someone with a disability. It could be a family member or friend. The cared for person generally could not cope without the support that the carer provides which is usually on an unpaid basis.

How does it work?

The social worker will ask your carer some questions about their life to establish:

  • If their needs are the result of providing necessary care to you
  • If their caring role affects their ability to achieve any of the outcomes outlined in the Care Act.
  • If there is a significant impact on their wellbeing because of the above.

They may have needs identified from the assessment that qualify for further support. This could be respite care (also known as a short break) where someone else provides care while the carer has a break. If they are not assessed as having eligible needs, they will receive information and advice.

Who is involved?

A social worker from adult social care (or if you have a social worker already), will be responsible for completing the carer’s assessment.

When will this happen?

A carer’s assessment may take place at the same time as a transition assessment if the transition social worker feels the carer may have needs that qualify. A carer also has the right to refer themselves for an assessment if they feel providing care is having a significant impact on their wellbeing.