When you turn 18 and become an adult, the way both you and your family are seen legally changes. Leaving compulsory education can also change the support that you may need.

The transition assessment takes these changes into account. You have the right to a transition assessment if you are likely to have needs when you become an adult and require adult services. The assessment will look at your wellbeing, including how to prevent risks and help you stay safe and decide whether you are eligible for adult social care.

How does it work?

As you approach the age of 18 you can request a transition assessment via an online form. Your parent, carer, social worker or another professional can also ask for the assessment.

Once we receive the request, we will allocate you a worker from the transition team. This worker will then visit you, your family and your school. They will also contact other professionals involved, to gather information for the assessment. They will find out how you manage everyday tasks, what you are good at, what you enjoy and what you want to achieve as you move into adulthood.

If support needs are identified, the social worker can arrange support or help you and your family to arrange support. If you are not eligible for adult social care support, we will signpost you on to other services, voluntary agencies and support groups who can assist.

Who is involved?

An allocated worker from our transition team will carry out the assessment.

When will this happen?

The transition assessment should take place at the time right for you. This will be when we are reasonably confident about what you or your carer’s needs for care or support will look like after you turn 18.  If it looks likely that you will need support as an adult, please inform the transition team from Year 9 onwards.

The role of parents and carers

Parents and carers can help you prepare for the transition assessment by helping you think about your plans for the future.  During the assessment process, they can tell the allocated worker about your day to day life, hopes, strengths and needs.  They can also tell them about their role as a carer and what they do to support you.

When do you qualify for support?

A social worker uses ‘eligibility criteria’ set out in a law called the Care Act 2014 to work out if you need services from adult social care. They help to make sure that everyone is treated fairly, and that you get the support you need. You may be eligible if, due to a long-term physical or mental impairment or illness, you are unable to manage two or more of the following areas independently.

  • Manage and prepare your food and drink
  • Look after your personal hygiene
  • Manage your toilet needs
  • Be able to dress yourself
  • Use and move around your home safely
  • Keep your home environment habitable
  • Develop and maintain family or other personal relationships
  • Take part in work, training, education or volunteering
  • Use facilities or services in the local community such as public transport and recreational facilities or services
  • Carry out any caring responsibilities

More information on eligibility can be found on the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) website.