To make things right for you, think about what is important to you, the things you can do for yourself and what you may need help with.

Types of places to live

The sort of housing that is going to be right for you will depend upon your needs. Your needs might also influence where you live in the city, for example, near to family.  It is important not to confuse supported housing with sheltered housing which is generally aimed at people over 50 years of age. 

Housing Benefits

How you will pay for where you live will depend upon a financial assessment. The Transition Team and Adult Social Care will help you to make sure that you are receiving all of the benefits you may be entitled to.

Housing Register (a waiting list)

You must have a connection to Leicester before you can apply to join the Housing Register.

This can be because you live in the city and have done so for the last 2 years or because you need to return to live in the city maybe after being away at school or college. The sooner you are on the Housing Register the better so that the city is better able to plan for your accommodation needs. You will need to go onto the register whether or not you have an Education, Health and Care Plan.

The following Housing information packs are available to download:

  • Part 1 - a guide to making housing choices for those with supported needs
  • Part 2 - information for parents and carer

Independence skills

We never stop learning and so it’s valuable to remember that just because someone can’t do something now does not always mean that they won’t be able to in the future.  It is helpful to practise daily living tasks at home and not just at school or in a training organisation.  Doing things for yourself gives a sense of achievement and being part of something. 

Welfare rights and benefits

There are many types of benefits so it's important to be sure that your needs are matched to the one that is right for you.

Once your young person reaches 16 they may no longer be eligible for Disability Living Allowance but be invited to apply for a Personal Independence Payment (PIP).  Citizens Advice have produced some helpful information about PIP so that you can see if and when PIP will affect you. 

When a young person turns 16, it becomes their responsibility for any benefits they claim in their own right. Should they be unable to manage their own finances, their parent or carer can become their ‘appointee’. To make arrangements to become an ‘appointee’ contact Job Centre Plus who will usually arrange a home visit. 

If your child is over 16 and has an illness or disability which affects their ability to work, they may be able to apply for Employment Support Allowance (ESA). Disability Rights UK has produced some excellent resources for anyone needing to know more about ESA. 

Access to Work is money to help provide practical support to get you into work or remain in a job if you have a disability or are mentally unwell. It can also help you to become self-employed. An Access to Work grant doesn't affect your other benefits.   

Universal Credit replaces 6 other benefits in a single monthly payment. You may be able to claim if you are on a low income or out of work. 


There are hundreds of daily living aids to help young people and adults do things for themselves. Even if they choose not to leave home these products can greatly assist someone to live with more dignity. The items cover most disabilities and the sorts of tasks we frequently do at home, work and in school. 

Types of Support

Support to meet your needs so that you can do most things for yourself – just like anyone else. Support may be a family member calling in to see you or a paid person. They will visit at different times of the day or you could share a supporter with someone else. Some young people have more concentrated help to stay independent which may involve someone staying during the night.