The Spring 2023 budget announced a range of national changes to the childcare sector, with the aim to support parents returning to work by providing greater access to affordable childcare

A significant change introduced was the expansion of funded early education entitlements (FEEE) for working families, in three phases - April 2024, September 2024 and September 2025.

Leicester City Council has received capital funding from the Department for Education (DfE) to support the provision of new early years childcare places and ensure that all new places created are accessible to all children, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

We are seeking applications from providers to access capital funding for capital works projects which will increase the number of early years childcare places in Leicester.

If you are interested in applying for the Early Years capital funding please refer to the detailed guidance.  The guidance includes a checklist for applicants and shows the information that will be required for making an application.

The capital grant application must be completed using the online application form.

The deadline for applications is Wednesday 30 April 2025. Following which we will assess the scope for further funding bid opportunities.

Our Market Position Statement for FEEE places - forecast for September 2025 should be used to guide development of provision, as this provides indicators of where expansion is required.
Providers can contact the Early Education Development Team to discuss a proposed project to receive preliminary feedback and guidance before completing an application.
Note: this guidance and the associated application form is for Capital funding for expansion of FEEE places only.  We will be issuing separate guidance and application form for the expansion of wraparound (WA) childcare places.