Parenting Support
Information and resources to support families
Children, young people and family centres are a great place to start when looking for that initial support.
They can signpost you to services and support that may be suitable for your needs or advice you on how to access more intense support through the Early Help referral process.
You can visit your nearest Children's Centre or telephone Advice Point on 0116 454 1004.
Alternatively, you can access the following course:
Parenting courses and support
Solihull Approach
Free online parenting courses
Triple P
Triple P courses gives you simple, practical, positive tips that really work!
Home Start Horizons
Heads Up
Supporting Leicester families through life's challenges.
Bumps to babies
Bumps to babies is a free four week antenatal group for families living in Leicester.
Peep Learning Together Programme
Tips and ideals that support a healthy, happy start for children.