Healthy Together 0-19 Service
Healthy Together provides a universal offer of support and advice to parents and carers of children up to the age of 19 years in Leicester city through The Healthy Child Programme.
Introduction to our Health Visiting service begins with contact and support during pregnancy from 28 weeks, after which parents are then offered a visit when the baby is between 10-14 days old. Further contacts are then provided at 6-8 weeks, 3-4 months, 10-12 months and 2-2.5 years. Once a child reaches school age, parents or carers will receive information about the School Nursing service.
Appointments are offered through home or school visits and clinics held in local family hubs and health centres, and the Healthy Together service also work with other services such as GPs, mental health teams, social care, educational settings and voluntary services.
Additional support can also be provided with managing feeding issues, toileting needs, behaviour management, healthy lifestyle or emotional health and wellbeing as examples.
The Healthy Together teams include:
- Public Health Nurse
- Healthy Child Programme Nurses
- Healthy Child Programme Nurse Associates
- Healthy Child Programme Practitioners
- Healthy Child Programme Support Workers
- Administration staff
The Healthy Together 0-19 service also has a well-established secure text messaging service called ChatHealth and a growing digital offer for parents, carers, children and young people. This includes the dedicated websites Health for Under Fives, Health for Kids and Health for Teens.
The Healthy Together Helpline is available from Monday to Friday where further support and information on our Health Visiting and School Nursing service offer can be provided.