Children with disabilities who live in Leicester city can take part in free activities over the Easter holiday.  

Please note siblings are welcome to attend, and parents/carers are required to accompany and support their children during the session.  

A food hamper will be provided to those families attending where their child is receiving benefits related free school meals.

Dates, time and location

Booking not required, however, those attending will be asked to complete a registration form on arrival. 

Activities available

The free sessions will include:

  • Art and craft
  • Soft ball cricket
  • Forest School
  • Dance and movement
  • Sensory space
  • Sporting activities
  • Wheels for All
  • White Post Farm
  • Calm Connections*

*Calm Connections teach children techniques focusing on friendships within the family, managing anxiety, low mood, and emotional regulation.  You can refer your child for the Calm Children and Young People’s Programme for 1-to-1 school-based support by completing a referral form on the day.

Partnership working

This programme is kindly funded in partnership with the Parent Carer Forum and the National Lottery Community Fund.