Health visiting team
Parents and carers can access the health visitor service at their nearest children's centre.
The health visiting teams have direct telephone numbers for each of its location across the city. The numbers are listed in alphabetical order of the location.
- Beaumont Leys and Stocking Farm
0116 215 3202 or 0116 215 3214 - Beaumont Leys Health Centre
0116 215 3210 - Belgrave and Rushey Mead
0116 215 7933 - Bewcastle
0116 215 3201 - Braunstone
0116 215 3224 or 0116 215 3227 - Eyres Monsell
0116 215 6206 - Highfields
0116 215 3222 or 0116 215 3221 - Merridale Health Visiting Practice
0116 251 3226 - Netherhall
0116 215 6233 or 0116 215 6238 - New Parks
0116 215 3223 or 0116 215 3225 - Saffron
0116 215 6213 - St Matthews
0116 215 3220 or 0116 215 3209 - Thurnby Lodge
0116 215 3219 or 0116 215 6246 - Uppingham Road Health Centre
0116 215 3200 - Woodbridge
0116 215 7929
Further information
Healthy Together 0-19 (health visiting and school nursing) provides full information about local health visiting services.