Family Hubs
Family Hubs provide help and support to families with children and young people, bringing together a variety of services in one place and making it easier to access the care and guidance you need. Whether you're seeking parenting advice, support for your child's development, or help with more specific needs, the staff at Family Hubs are here to offer information, advice and support designed just for you.
Family Hubs are available to all families with children and young people aged 0-19, and up to 25 for those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). So, if you're a new parent in need of guidance or a family seeking support for older children, the Family Hub is here to support you every step of the way.
Find a Family Hub
The 12 children, young people and family centres are family hub buildings.
Find your nearest centre or view a map of their locations.

Our children, young people and family centres are all Family Hub venues.